Apps Manager has following features:
1. Select multiple apps and quickly uninstall them.
2. Filter out
Test Only
3. Sort apps by
Name, Size, Install Date & Last updated
4. Share, Copy
'Package Name'
of any app.
5. Share
Play Store or Beta link
on any app.
6. Show
Installed or APK Size
for selected apps.
7. Easily switch layout between list and grid view.
8. Tap app icon to view detailed development info.
9. Settings for the dark and light application theme.
Note: Due to Android limitations you can't uninstall System apps on many devices. You can only uninstall the updates and disable them.
If you are an Android developer and want to know about the Test Only or Debuggable apps on your device then you can easily filter them out and see helpful information like - Version Code, targetSdk and minimumSdk.